Dianne Barth, LCSW, MSW, CEAP | ||
Private Practice | Phone | (504) 828-3780 |
118 Ridgelake Dr. | Fax | (504) 828-6369 |
Metairie, LA 70001 | dpbarth@msn.com |
Tina Beary-Taylor, LCSW CEAP | ||
EAP, Inc EAP of LA | Phone | 800 749 3277 |
32238 First St | Fax | 228 255 5666 |
Slidell La. 70345 | eapinc2@aol.com |
Barbara Carlton, MSW, LCSW, CEAP | ||
61 South Wren ST | Phone | (504) 218-4055 |
New Orleans, LA 70124-4113 | Fax | |
carltonco@aol.com |
Marvin Clifford, PhD, LCSW,CEAP | ||
Ochsner Clinical, Dept. of Psy | Phone | (504) 842-3842 |
1514 Jefferson Hwy | Fax | (504) 842-3236 |
New Orleans, LA 70121 | mcliffordochsner.org |
Kurt O. Schenker, MS, CEAP | ||
3090 E. Gause Blvd. 315 | Phone | (985) 646-2497 |
Slidell, LA 70461 | Fax | (985) 646-0094 |
kurtotis@aol.ocm |
Billie Wilson, MPS, LPC, NCC, CEAP, MAC, ICADC | ||
731 High Street | Phone | (985) 688-0151 |
Hoama, LA 70364 | Fax | (985) 872-3137 |
Wilson150471@bellsouth.net |
Jerry Wilson, BS, CEAP, NCACII, ICADC | ||
Employ ASSIST | Phone | (800) 780-9678 |
101 Bayou Bend Drive | Fax | (985) 872-3137 |
Houma, LA 70354 – 1168 | EmployASSIST@bellsouth.net |
Kathleen O. McGraw, LCSW | Web Page | www.mcgrawandassociates.com |
Kathleen McGraw, LCSW & Associates | Phone | (985) 785-9300 |
50 Wade Street, Suite 5 | Fax | (985) 785-9003 |
Luling, LA. 70070 | kathleen@mcgrawandassociates.com |