EAPA GNO will hold its next meeting on April 15, 2011. The chapter business meeting will begin at 12:00 followed by a presentation by Kathy Eaton, LPC on Ethics & Business Conduct for EAP Professionals. The meeting will be held at Townsend located at 3600 Prytania St. Suite 72 New Orleans, LA. 70115. This presentation is worth 2.0 PDHs. The cost of the meeting is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Please RSVP to Scott Embley at semble@lsuhsc.edu. We want to take this time to thank Townsend for allowing us to use their facility to hold our meetings. Townsend is also providing lunch. Click on the link below to access the EAPA GNO April 15, 2011 flyer.