EAPrefer Concerns

The National Association of Social
Workers (NASW) has launched a service called EAPrefer, which it describes as “a
revolutionary new program connecting Employee Assistance Professionals with the
Network Providers who need them.”

At first glance, this may appear to be
a positive development for the EA profession. However, a closer look reveals
that the EAPrefer materials infer clearly that a social work degree and license,
along with appropriate professional liability insurance, qualifies a clinician
to be considered and promoted as an “employee assistance professional.”

Many EAPA members have expressed serious concern about this to the EAPA
Board and EACC, and we, in turn, have tried to reach out to NASW to attempt to
develop a cooperative approach that accomplishes their goals, but also respects
the importance and distinctiveness of the employee assistance body of knowledge
and the CEAP credential.

To better understand EAPA’s concerns with
EAPrefer please view the following documents: